Jeff Orloff - Security Evangelist

Jeff Orloff currently serves as a Technology Coordinator for a large school district in South Florida and works as an independent web security consultant helping small and medium businesses deal with common security issues facing their web sites.


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Featured Blog Posts

Ponemon State of Web Application Security Report

Despite numbers showing that in 86% of all attacks a vulnerability in a Web application ... read more ...

The Anatomy of a SQL Injection Attack

SQL injections are one of the most dangerous attacks used against web applications. In 2010, ... read more ...

Top Jordan website back up after hacking

AMMAN — Jordan's most popular news website, Ammonnews, said it was shut down ... read more ...

Having a degree in English with a specialization in Technical Writing from the University of South Florida, Jeff enjoys writing about technical subjects and has contributed to IBM developerWorks, ComtpuerWorld, and has written two books, How To Do Everything:Ubuntu and MediaWiki 1.1:Beginner's Guide.

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